
Sarah Rafferty is widely known for her role as Donna Paulsen in the TV series Suits. Working as a secretary for the ambitious Harvey Specter in one of New York’s biggest law firms, Donna managed to establish herself in a male-dominated world, without sacrificing her femininity, steadily rising from an Executive Assistant to Partner and Chief Operating Officer (COO). However, Sarah found success in other roles too.

In the era of #MeToo and Time’s Up, Rafferty is fighting for a better future, not just for her two daughters, but also for all women. She has taken part in a variety of initiatives. While filming Suits in Canada she partnered up with Plan International Canada and she also travelled to Ghana as an activist fighting for children’s and women’s rights. Sarah loves spending time with her family, giving her daughters the opportunity to expand their horizons and familiarise themselves with different cultures.

She recently shared with Vogue Greece her experience from her last trip to Paris and Fashion Week. During quarantine, Rafferty has been really active. Speaking with Vogue Greece’s Editor-in-Chief, Thaleia Karafyllidou, she revealed that she’s been volunteering at a homeless shelter in Los Angeles, packaging and delivering meals.

On our upcoming Instagram Live with Sarah Rafferty and Vogue Greece’s Editor-in-Chief, Τhaleia Karafyllidou, we will discuss Sarah’s experience as a volunteer, activist and traveler and some ways we can make our world a better place. 

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On Wednesday, April 29, at 20:00 (GMT +3), just visit the Instagram account of @voguegreece and watch a special Instagram live!